Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tadeusz Borowski-"Ladies and Gentlemen to the Gas Chamber"

Tadeuzs Borowski was one of the few that survived the horrific time period known as the Holocaust. After the ordeal he decided to put into writing what he was forced to go through. One story in particular was entitled, "Ladies and Gentlemen to the Gas Chamber. In the story he gives an account about how he helped lead poor unsuspecting people to the gas chambers in the concentration camps. Even though the main character does not have a name, it is believed that this is what happened from his point of view. He had to watch as people got off the train thinking that maybe there was a chance that they were going to get help, when in actuality they were going to die. And even though he knew the fate of these strangers, he had to keep it together and do his job. He didn't enjoy what he did and it made it sick, but he felt as though he had no choice. He just continued to lead more and more people to the chambers. The theme of this story is the idea that these killings were a neverending cycle. As people were sent to the chambers by the hundreds and thousands, another train would soon be coming to bring in more victims. It is stated in the story how once you entered, you would not be coming back out. After his experiences in the camps, Borowski was never the same. He later killed him self by gas because he just couldn't cope with the pain anymore. That dark period in out history is one that no one can forget, and reading the stories and watching the movies, just shows that the memories will never truly go away.

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